Prism Supported languages

This is the list of all 276 languages currently supported by Prism, with their corresponding alias, to use in place of xxxx in the language-xxxx (or lang-xxxx) class:

Markup - markup, html, xml, svg, mathml, ssml, atom, rssGLSL - glslPHP Extras - php-extras
CSS - cssGN - gn, gniPlantUML - plant-uml, plantuml
C-like - clikeGNU Linker Script - linker-script, ldPL/SQL - plsql
JavaScript - javascript, jsGo - goPowerQuery - powerquery, pq, mscript
ABAP - abapGo module - go-module, go-modPowerShell - powershell
ABNF - abnfGradle - gradleProcessing - processing
ActionScript - actionscriptGraphQL - graphqlProlog - prolog
Ada - adaGroovy - groovyPromQL - promql
Agda - agdaHaml - - properties
AL - alHandlebars - handlebars, hbs, mustacheProtocol Buffers - protobuf
ANTLR4 - antlr4, g4Haskell - haskell, hsPug - pug
Apache Configuration - apacheconfHaxe - haxePuppet - puppet
Apex - apexHCL - hclPure - pure
APL - aplHLSL - hlslPureBasic - purebasic, pbfasm
AppleScript - applescriptHoon - hoonPureScript - purescript, purs
AQL - aqlHTTP - httpPython - python, py
Arduino - arduino, inoHTTP Public-Key-Pins - hpkpQ# - qsharp, qs
ARFF - arffHTTP Strict-Transport-Security - hstsQ (kdb+ database) - q
ARM Assembly - armasm, arm-asmIchigoJam - ichigojamQML - qml
Arturo - arturo, artIcon - iconQore - qore
AsciiDoc - asciidoc, adocICU Message Format - icu-message-formatR - r
ASP.NET (C#) - aspnetIdris - idris, idrRacket - racket, rkt
6502 Assembly - asm6502.ignore - ignore, gitignore, hgignore, npmignoreRazor C# - cshtml, razor
Atmel AVR Assembly - asmatmelInform 7 - inform7React JSX - jsx
AutoHotkey - autohotkeyIni - iniReact TSX - tsx
AutoIt - autoitIo - ioReason - reason
AviSynth - avisynth, avsJ - jRegex - regex
Avro IDL - avro-idl, avdlJava - javaRego - rego
AWK - awk, gawkJavaDoc - javadocRen’py - renpy, rpy
Bash - bash, sh, shellJavaDoc-like - javadoclikeReScript - rescript, res
BASIC - basicJava stack trace - javastacktracereST (reStructuredText) - rest
Batch - batchJexl - jexlRip - rip
BBcode - bbcode, shortcodeJolie - jolieRoboconf - roboconf
BBj - bbjJQ - jqRobot Framework - robotframework, robot
Bicep - bicepJSDoc - jsdocRuby - ruby, rb
Birb - birbJS Extras - js-extrasRust - rust
Bison - bisonJSON - json, webmanifestSAS - sas
BNF - bnf, rbnfJSON5 - json5Sass (Sass) - sass
BQN - bqnJSONP - jsonpSass (SCSS) - scss
Brainfuck - brainfuckJS stack trace - jsstacktraceScala - scala
BrightScript - brightscriptJS Templates - js-templatesScheme - scheme
Bro - broJulia - juliaShell session - shell-session, sh-session, shellsession
BSL (1C:Enterprise) - bsl, oscriptKeepalived Configure - keepalivedSmali - smali
C - cKeyman - keymanSmalltalk - smalltalk
C# - csharp, cs, dotnetKotlin - kotlin, kt, ktsSmarty - smarty
C++ - cppKuMir (КуМир) - kumir, kumSML - sml, smlnj
CFScript - cfscript, cfcKusto - kustoSolidity (Ethereum) - solidity, sol
ChaiScript - chaiscriptLaTeX - latex, tex, contextSolution file - solution-file, sln
CIL - cilLatte - latteSoy (Closure Template) - soy
Cilk/C - cilkc, cilk-cLess - lessSPARQL - sparql, rq
Cilk/C++ - cilkcpp, cilk-cpp, cilkLilyPond - lilypond, lySplunk SPL - splunk-spl
Clojure - clojureLiquid - liquidSQF: Status Quo Function (Arma 3) - sqf
CMake - cmakeLisp - lisp, emacs, elisp, emacs-lispSQL - sql
COBOL - cobolLiveScript - livescriptSquirrel - squirrel
CoffeeScript - coffeescript, coffeeLLVM IR - llvmStan - stan
Concurnas - concurnas, concLog file - logStata Ado - stata
Content-Security-Policy - cspLOLCODE - lolcodeStructured Text (IEC 61131-3) - iecst
Cooklang - cooklangLua - luaStylus - stylus
Coq - coqMagma (CAS) - magmaSuperCollider - supercollider, sclang
Crystal - crystalMakefile - makefileSwift - swift
CSS Extras - css-extrasMarkdown - markdown, mdSystemd configuration file - systemd
CSV - csvMarkup templating - markup-templatingT4 templating - t4-templating
CUE - cueMata - mataT4 Text Templates (C#) - t4-cs, t4
Cypher - cypherMATLAB - matlabT4 Text Templates (VB) - t4-vb
D - dMAXScript - maxscriptTAP - tap
Dart - dartMEL - melTcl - tcl
DataWeave - dataweaveMermaid - mermaidTemplate Toolkit 2 - tt2
DAX - daxMETAFONT - metafontTextile - textile
Dhall - dhallMizar - mizarTOML - toml
Diff - diffMongoDB - mongodbTremor - tremor, trickle, troy
Django/Jinja2 - django, jinja2Monkey - monkeyTurtle - turtle, trig
DNS zone file - dns-zone-file, dns-zoneMoonScript - moonscript, moonTwig - twig
Docker - docker, dockerfileN1QL - n1qlTypeScript - typescript, ts
DOT (Graphviz) - dot, gvN4JS - n4js, n4jsdTypoScript - typoscript, tsconfig
EBNF - ebnfNand To Tetris HDL - nand2tetris-hdlUnrealScript - unrealscript, uscript, uc
EditorConfig - editorconfigNaninovel Script - naniscript, naniUO Razor Script - uorazor
Eiffel - eiffelNASM - nasmURI - uri, url
EJS - ejs, etaNEON - neonV - v
Elixir - elixirNevod - nevodVala - vala
Elm - elmnginx - nginxVB.Net - vbnet
Embedded Lua templating - etluaNim - nimVelocity - velocity
ERB - erbNix - nixVerilog - verilog
Erlang - erlangNSIS - nsisVHDL - vhdl
Excel Formula - excel-formula, xlsx, xlsObjective-C - objectivec, objcvim - vim
F# - fsharpOCaml - ocamlVisual Basic - visual-basic, vb, vba
Factor - factorOdin - odinWarpScript - warpscript
False - falseOpenCL - openclWebAssembly - wasm
Firestore security rules - firestore-security-rulesOpenQasm - openqasm, qasmWeb IDL - web-idl, webidl
Flow - flowOz - ozWGSL - wgsl
Fortran - fortranPARI/GP - parigpWiki markup - wiki
FreeMarker Template Language - ftlParser - parserWolfram language - wolfram, mathematica, nb, wl
GameMaker Language - gml, gamemakerlanguagePascal - pascal, objectpascalWren - wren
GAP (CAS) - gapPascaligo - pascaligoXeora - xeora, xeoracube
G-code - gcodePATROL Scripting Language - pslXML doc (.net) - xml-doc
GDScript - gdscriptPC-Axis - pcaxis, pxXojo (REALbasic) - xojo
GEDCOM - gedcomPeopleCode - peoplecode, pcodeXQuery - xquery
gettext - gettext, poPerl - perlYAML - yaml, yml
Gherkin - gherkinPHP - phpYANG - yang
Git - gitPHPDoc - phpdocZig - zig