# chalk 是什么

  • chalk 是一个颜色的插件。可以通过 chalk.blue (‘hello world’) 来改变颜色,但是我并没有式样成功,有待验证。
  • 可以参考 npm chalk 官网
  • 简单用法
$ npm install chalk
const chalk = require('chalk');
console.log(chalk.blue('Hello world!'));
const chalk = require('chalk');
const log = console.log;
// Combine styled and normal strings 
log(chalk.blue('Hello') + 'World' + chalk.red('!'));
// Compose multiple styles using the chainable API 
log(chalk.blue.bgRed.bold('Hello world!'));
// Pass in multiple arguments 
log(chalk.blue('Hello', 'World!', 'Foo', 'bar', 'biz', 'baz'));
// Nest styles 
log(chalk.red('Hello', chalk.underline.bgBlue('world') + '!'));
// Nest styles of the same type even (color, underline, background) 
    'I am a green line ' +
    chalk.blue.underline.bold('with a blue substring') +
    ' that becomes green again!'
// ES2015 template literal 
CPU: ${chalk.red('90%')}
RAM: ${chalk.green('40%')}
DISK: ${chalk.yellow('70%')}
// ES2015 tagged template literal 
CPU: {red ${cpu.totalPercent}%}
RAM: {green ${ram.used / ram.total * 100}%}
DISK: {rgb(255,131,0) ${disk.used / disk.total * 100}%}
// Use RGB colors in terminal emulators that support it. 
log(chalk.keyword('orange')('Yay for orange colored text!'));
log(chalk.rgb(123, 45, 67).underline('Underlined reddish color'));
log(chalk.hex('#DEADED').bold('Bold gray!'));